Adhesive Technologies

Our business unit Henkel Adhesive Technologies is the global leader for adhesives, sealants, and functional coatings – for industrial customers as well as for consumers and craftsmen. Being industry and application experts across manufacturing industries worldwide, we work closely with our customers and partners to create sustainable value for all stakeholders – with trusted brands and high-impact solutions based on an unmatched technology portfolio.


Black and white photo shows a drill with cooling spray water

Our industrial product portfolio is globally organised into five technology cluster brands – Loctite, Technomelt, Bonderite, Teroson and Aquence.


Application of adhesive on a circuit board with components with a 4 needles machine

Our Henkel Adhesive Technologies business comprises three areas: Mobility and electronics, Packaging and consumer goods, and Craftsmen, construction and professional.

Adhesive Technologies Automotive and Metals

Automotive and metals

In the automotive and metals business area, we provide our international customers in the automotive and metal processing industries with tailor-made high-impact solutions, a comprehensive technology portfolio, and specialized technical services. We create competitive advantage for our customers along the entire value chain of car manufacturing, enabling them to answer the trends of e-mobility, autonomous driving and lightweighting. We supply performance-driven high-impact solutions across the entire metals value chain, from metal coil and metal processing to finished metal products including metal packaging.

Adhesive Technologies Consumer Goods

Packaging and consumer goods

In the packaging and consumer goods business area, we are leading in developing innovative solutions which address global consumer trends like the growing demand for more sustainable practices. We are at the forefront of promoting a circular economy with our high-impact solutions for packaged food and beverages, diapers and hygiene products, plasters and bandages, clothes and shoes, furniture and much more – all created with consumers in mind.

Adhesive Technologies Craftsmen, Construction and Professional

Craftsmen, construction and professional

In the craftsmen, construction and professional business area, we market an extensive range of brand-name products for private consumers, do-it-yourselfers, craftsmen and trade as well as for maintenance and manufacturing professionals from more than 800 different industries. We serve our customers with adhesives and sealants for use in and around the house, building materials and sealing solutions for tiles, windows, facades, basements, roofs and floors and a comprehensive portfolio of high-impact solutions for the assembly and maintenance of machines.