Windräder und Solarzellen


As reflected in our corporate values, we are committed to leadership in sustainability. As leaders, we aim to pioneer new solutions for sustainable development while continuing to shape our business responsibly and increasing our economic success.

Our strategy

Our sustainability strategy is inspired by our purpose: Pioneers at heart for the good of generations. With our pioneering spirit, our knowledge, our products and technologies, we want to enrich and improve the lives of billions of people every day – and shape a viable future for the next generations.

Sustainability is thus a central element in our vision of the future. We want to actively drive the transformation to a sustainable economy and society, help protect and regenerate nature, contribute to strong communities and strengthen the trust of our stakeholders.

Our 2030+ Sustainability Ambition Framework sets our long-term ambitions in the three dimensions of Regenerative Planet, Thriving Communities and Trusted Partner and links to our high aspiration of achieving a “Transformational Impact for the Good of Generations”.


Sustainability in Henkel Australia and New Zealand

In Australia and New Zealand, Henkel works closely with many customers and value-chain partners on sustainable innovation projects to improve performance and reduce footprint, thus creating win-win solutions.


Adhesive production sites in Henkel Australia have solar panels to produce renewable electricity onsite. 

Henkel Australia is using electricity generated fully from renewable energy sources at its adhesive plants in Seven Hills, New South Wales, and Kilsyth, Victoria. The adhesive plants serve a wide range of industries, such as flexible packaging, engineered wood, food and beverage, steel, paper, mining, and maintenance, repair and overhaul. Thanks to more than 2,000 solar panels on their rooftops and renewable energy contracts, the sites are expected to realise more than 50 percent savings in carbon emissions in 2022, compared to 2021.

Henkel Australia is a signatory of the Australian Packaging Covenant and has been working with APCO (Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation) to action Australia’s 2025 National Packaging Targets based on the Sustainable Packaging Guidelines. In addition, we report our sustainability strategy, developments and initiatives through The Henkel Sustainability Report and Australian Packaging Covenant Annual Report, available from APCO* . In achieving these, we also align with Henkel’s packaging targets.

We have started using the Australasian Recycling Label (ARL) on our Laundry & Home Care product packaging. This reiterates our commitment to educate consumers on the responsible disposal of packaging, as recycling can be confusing especially in terms of what can and cannot be recycled at home. More than 50 percent of our Laundry & Home Care product range in Australia and New Zealand have the ARL and we aim to get to 100 percent in 2023.

Our partnership with TerraCycle on the Schwarzkopf Cares Recycling Program allows consumers to recycle all brands of hair products. Consumers can collect used packaging from hair care, colour and styling products and download a free shipping label from the TerraCycle website to mail in for recycling. The used packaging material is cleaned and melted into hard plastic that can be remolded to make new recycled products, thus diverting plastics away from landfills. Henkel is also working to reduce the amount of virgin plastic used in the manufacture of our products by using more recycled plastic, reducing the amount of plastic overall, and using bio-based plastics. Learn more about the collaboration here.

The Schwarzkopf Cares Recycling Program accepts all brands of hair care, colour and styling products.

The Schwarzkopf Cares Recycling Program accepts all brands of hair care, colour and styling products.

Under the Sustainability Ambassador Program, our employees visit schools to give lessons on sustainability to students. Since 2014, employees of Henkel Australia and New Zealand have taught more than 980 students simple sustainability habits that they can put into practice in their homes. After the lesson, each child receives a Sustainability Champion certificate to encourage them to promote sustainability among their families and friends. 

Henkel Australia and New Zealand employees are strong advocates of giving back to the community and actively contribute to various social projects. For more information on our corporate citizenship initiatives, click here.

*The information presented in the Henkel Australia Pty Ltd – APCO Annual Report and Action Plan 2024 – available at APCO and produced by the Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation Ltd. is provided for general informational purposes only. Henkel does not make any representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability with respect to the report or the information, services, or related graphics contained in the Henkel Australia Pty Ltd – APCO Annual Report and Action Plan 2024 for any purpose. Any reliance you place on such information in the Henkel Australia Pty Ltd – APCO Annual Report and Action Plan 2024 is therefore at your own risk.

Sylvie Nicol


Looking ahead, we are well prepared: sustainability is deeply anchored in our business strategy and alive in our purpose. With that foundation, our sustainable transformation continues!

Our achievements 2024

Our sustainability strategy revolves around implementing our ambitions through concrete measures and projects to achieve practical progress. Below you find selected achievements of 2024:

-39 %

*Per ton of products (Base year 2010), without construction and demolition debris

41.9 %
ratio of women
in management


smallholder farmers reached since 2013

94 %
traceability of palm (kernel) oil back to the mill


65 %
traceability of palm (kernel) oil back to the plantation


89 %
of packaging designed recyclable or reusable


47 %
energy from renewable sources


Henkel suppliers underwent a TfD assessment or audit

-23 %
water withdrawal*

*Per ton of products (Base year 2010)

25 %
share of recyclate in consumer goods packaging


-20 %
reduced scope 1,2 & 3 GHG emissions (vs. 2021)